Sunday, August 26, 2007


Allie and I had a date on Friday night. It was most exciting - we went to Ikea to look around and have dinner. (man - we are getting old if that is our excitement for Friday night) Ikea is a pretty cool place. We have a list about a mile long of things we would like to buy there - entertainment center, dining table, toy storage, pants hanger for closet, and a corner sofa. We had a good date and the food wasn't that bad - it was actually pretty good. It was a fun date.

On the way home, Allie told me how much she wanted the toy storage bins, and the various closet organizers that they offered. Almost automatically, I rolled my eyes back and shook my head. I have heard all of this about a million times since we have been married (which will be 8 years tomorrow! But then the light finally clicked on. I have been talking to Allie about home automation and zoned audio throughout the house (not necessarily this but something like it like Apple TVs, Mac Minis, etc) and I get almost the same knee jerk reaction that I give her when she talks about home organization. I explained this phenomenon to her and we both just laughed and laughed when we realized how true that was.

We both have things that we want that are extraneous, not necessary, maybe kind of expensive and frivolous (probably mine more than hers), but things that each of us think are just really cool. We are hoping to have a budget set aside for those types of things in the future. But it is so nice to finally understand each other and be understood. Communication. Who woulda thunk it?

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