Monday, August 13, 2007

The first few days

Well, it has come so suddenly that I really don't know where to start. Our friends invited us to see their house being built nearby. While touring their home, they often kidded about which lot we wanted - the one on the North or on the South.

After leaving their house (and inviting us to the grand opening party that Woodside Homes was offering), Allie and I talked amongst ourselves and the topic was building a home. After reviewing their website and talking ourselves into thinking that we could do this, we went to the grand opening with 20 questions. A couple of weird things about this homebuilder:

- NO SWEAT EQUITY!!! (What is up with that? - to be explained in a future post, I guess)

- We don't get a copy of the house plans

Anyway, we sent in our pre-loan application and we were approved later in the day. We have decided to build this house (plan to be posted later):

Ours will have a 3rd car garage, but we aren't quite sure what color it will be. We are really excited about this, although there is much work to be done on our current house to get it ready to be sold. Too much to do and not enough time to do it in.

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