We have received an offer on our house. It wasn't quite what we were hoping for - actually it was quite less than what we wanted. We countered with what we know is our lowest offer and told them that. We were supposed to receive an answer today by 6:00 but our Realtor called and said that they wanted to think more about it.
I asked him if that was a good sign or not, and he said yes and no. I am not sure if he was feeding me a line or not. How can it be a good sign? If they were willing to accept the offer, shouldn't they have just accepted it? A few of his comments when we signed the counter offer:
"They wanted to replace some of the kitchen cabinets"
"They wanted to replace the carpet"
"They want the projector"
"They want the sandbox" (I am assuming that he is referring to the play area - which is full of wood chips, not sand)
"They want us to pay for 3% of the closing costs"
"They are getting 100% financing - so the closing costs are important to them"
Later last night after we had put the kids to bed, Al and I were thinking about how that really is the lowest we could go. We (she more than I) go back and forth between just selling it at that price, or hoping that the reject the offer and someone else comes along and takes it at a higher price. But the more we think about it, it would just be good to sell it and be done. What a relief that would be.